How to make a Vieux Carre`
1oz Rye
1oz Cognac
1oz Sweet Vermouth
1/4 Benedictine
2 dashes Peychauds Bitters
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters
Garnish-Lemon or Orange Peel

Food | Travel | Fun
How to make a Vieux Carre`
1oz Rye
1oz Cognac
1oz Sweet Vermouth
1/4 Benedictine
2 dashes Peychauds Bitters
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters
Garnish-Lemon or Orange Peel
Both Nourishes and Connects. I think the beauty of food blogging or finding new restaurants is that there is always a human element present. We get to talk, fellowship and share ideas with one another.
Is the way to understand the world and ultimately yourself. I feel like you become more of yourself when you make it a point to introduce yourself to new things, ideas and places.
Life is too short to be boring. No I don’t mean you can not have a good time working and finding joy in that but sometimes you need to make a point to schedule fun into your week.